Our programs

Teaching children from the orphanage. 2
Mother and Child Center. 7
Profession training for children during the war. 2
Food for children. 20
dobro.ua - the main platform for good deeds in Ukraine.
Ukraine's first platform of kindness, a fundraising platform where you can quicklyand effectively
raise funds for charitable and social projects of any direction.The activity of the platform is provided
by the ICF "Ukrainian Philanthropic Exchange" -a fund that has raised more than UAH 348,573,000
for charity over 9 years of operation,has supported almost 6,000 projects
and won all national awards in the field of philanthropy.
The History of the "Fund “Aspern" began in 1997, when Koshil Vera Ivanivna accompanied her group of children to a small area of Vienna (Austria) under the name of Aspern.
Our events
January 2023
- Parental Care Club.
- Successful People Stories

Charity Foundation "Aspern" and PO "Faith in Life" continue to work on strengthening and developing parenting potential, which is currently supported by the regional DARE program. The purpose of the groups is to promote the role of the adult in the child's life and the importance of being around for many years; to contribute to the deepening of knowledge and practical skills in the support and development of children; how to develop a proper attitude to what is happening; how to maintain peace in the family and make a happy family life together.
Self-help group “Positive Parenthood” is organized, in which specialists organize classes of the parent communication club where the discussion of topics that concern participants is initiated. For example: “Needs of modern children”, “Risky behavior of the child”, “Learning - important perspectives”, "Emotions affecting the health of children and parents", "Stress resistance, stages of development", "The development of the profession through games", "Identity - a new generation, I, you, he", "The role of parents in the development of responsibility for life, "and other topics interesting to participants. The greatest value of the group is that all participants have the opportunity to be active, to initiate the choice of the topic of the meeting, to speak openly, to be heard and to receive support, the groups are designed for 8 people.
Positive parenting support also includes individual family counseling (by appointment). The workshops, cultural and educational events and family excursions aimed at strengthening family traditions will be organized for participants.
If your family is under stress, which is a common problem and you do not know how to find ways to re-establish family relationships, do not despair. There are many ways to improve your family life. Contact us for help.
Meetings are held every Wednesday.

The Darnytsky Community of Kyiv city state administration, the Charity Foundation Aspern and PO the Faith in Life have jointly launched a new project, "Successful People Stories".
The purpose of this project is to motivate the younger generation to become successful in life through encounters with living success stories. We want to convey to them that in order to achieve a dream, we need not only to believe in our own strength, but also to make a lot of efforts, to work tirelessly, to constantly improve knowledge and skills and actively use them in life.
Everyone fails to some extent, but it is not an alternative to success. This should be avoided. It is only a temporary return to a more meaningful path of life. What really matters is how one responds to failure and learns. Our guests' stories end in success, all of them endured hardships and are perfect examples of why hardships should never stop a person from following his vision.
We constantly introduce young people to those people who have gone the hard way and succeeded. Many of them made their own discoveries, rose to leadership positions, became successful entrepreneurs, athletes, were recognized by society, and so on. There are far more such people in the world than meets the eye. Many of them are near us. Therefore, we invite everyone to share their life experiences.
Who is interested in attending the meeting: children, youth and parents.
Meetings are held on the last Thursday of each month at the premises of the Aspern Children Center, at the address: 121/3, Kharkivske shose Str, Kyiv.
If you would like to tell your own success story, please call us at (044) -332-15-43 or write to the office email: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра., Facebook page: facebook.com/aspern.pr