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The story of Eduard
For each child, his parents are the best. The story of Eduard began 7 years ago.


The mother, who gave his life, did not feel the responsibility that had fallen on her maternal shoulders. She did not imagine what to do with the boy, but with the lack of support her husband completely "splashed up" and began to use alcoholic beverages. Eduard often starved, and eventually his mom started to give him beer so he slept more and did not interfere her with screams. So the boy's life lasted for the first 1.5 years.


When the grandmother of Eduard recognized this, she decided to deprive mother of parental rights and bring the boy up herself. She succeeded, and at the age of six, this grandmother was engaged in raising a boy. But grandmother's love was not enough for a long time, and she turned to the Service for Children to send her grandson to a children's home, since she had no strength and desire to engage in his education. After enrolling the child in the Center with time, grandmother changed her decision and expressed her desire to take his back in order to continue education of Eduard. The child was returned to his grandmother, but one desire was not enough, because very quickly the child was re-enrolled in the Center.


The story of Taya and Milana

Two charming little sisters who had a hard life. Even younger they lost their loved ones, their mother began to drink alcohol that time, there were debts for the apartment, there was no proper care and education for the children. Therefore, the Service for Children was forced to take girls from the mother and put them in a child's institution, hoping that the mother would think and stop drinking. For a while, the mother of the girls stopped drinking alcohol, but there was no progress in her life, and she began drinking again.


Taya and Milana were send from the Service for Children to the Centre for Social and Psychological Rehabilitation of Children, in which girls were more than a year old. During their stay in the Centre, the mother systematically visited her daughters, but could not overcome the dependence on alcohol and adjust his life. After some time, the mother of the girls was deprived of parental rights, and the sisters were registered for adoption. The girls really wanted to have a happy family life, and their dream came true: the candidates sent to the Centre to get acquainted with the children who wished to adopt children.


The first acquaintance with the caretakers immediately inspired hope in these children. Future parents systematically came to visit children at the Centre and gradually showed their intention to adopt them, but often Taya and Milana themselves expressed a desire to live with new parents. The girl's dream has come true: they live with those people who love them, they have a dad and mom who are always close, understanding and supporting to them.


We support communication with girls and parents. Recently, they came to the Centre with a large family, where they were waiting for the children with whom the girls lived and became friends for them. We really hope that the girls in this family will grow up with good and kind people.


Sasha's story
Sasha, 13 years old.


Sasha, a boy from a large family (10 children). As in every large family, Sasha does not have enough food, clothing, footwear, and money to secure the elementary one. Life in this family is filled with love, peace, consent, understanding, mutual respect and mutual assistance.


Sasha, as an average child in the family, is smart, quickly perceives the material. The boy is mastering the shoe business at the center of the integrated professional training of children and youth of the “Fund “Aspern”. Recently, Sasha's mother, with tears of joy in front of her eyes, said that her son came home and saw a hole in her boots. No one said anything, closed in the bedroom, and after a while he carried out updated boots (sewed neatly hole, wiped nacre). How much pride was in Mom's eyes. Sasha himself said: "The family for me is the main thing, and I would like to do everything for my family to always be happy and healthy to see support and fulfillment of my dreams in me".


The story of Nastya
Nastya, 16 years old. The mother of the girl died, her father was educating her and the younger sister.


The story of Bogdana
In October 2012, a four-year-old girl entered the Centre for Social and Psychological Rehabilitation of Children.



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Address: 02121, Kyiv, Kharkivske shose, 180/21, office 185; Kyiv, Kharkivske shose, 121/3

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